Report for Debate round 1
Date : 13/06/2023
Time : 10:30 am to 11:30 am
Place: Community hall, Holy Cross Academy Kurla
Margaret Heffernan once said, For good ideas and true innovation, you need human interaction, conflict, argument, debate.
The students and staff of Holy Cross Academy, Kurla successfully conducted the first round of the English Debate for the Senior students. Students from all four houses were participating in the event, however in round 1 we had two houses that debated each other which was Azure and Crimson houses.
The topic of the debate was Applications of AI: Boon vs Bane. Each house had four participants, out of which one introduced the topic, and the other three put across their points in an alternate manner in the first round.
The second round, (rebuttal round) was a timed affair as the houses had to bring out as many points as possible within an allotted 10 minutes. Each
participant got a chance to speak in this round and could refute each other. Post this one student from each house summed up the points they had brought up.
After this, our judge, Ms. Diana shared her views on the proceeding of the events and the performance of these students.
The debates are a true exhibition of Holy cross's mission to build minds that think like leaders not for today but for the future as well.
